A kind gesture to end the year
The end-of-year period is the time of year when we exchange cards and gifts en masse. Fun, but unfortunately not really sustainable. That’s why we at Televic Education decided to do things differently this year. Instead of sending paper Christmas cards and gifts, we choose to donate our end-of-year budget to Go Forest, an initiative dedicated to global reforestation.
The first introduction to Go Forest happened about two years ago, during an event on sustainable marketing. Their passion for nature restoration and their drive to take action impressed even then. That was when the seed was planted to support Go Forest in some way.
1,500 m² Brazilian forest
This year, we are contributing to the reforestation of 1,500 m² of rainforest in Brazil, a country badly affected by deforestation. That 1,500 m² was not chosen at random, by the way: it represents 1 m² of forest for every 10,000 exams taken through our assessmentQ platform this year – that makes 15 million sessions in total this year.
“With this reforestation initiative, we are now adding an additional, concrete action to further strengthen our positive impact on the environment.”
Joris Vanholme, General Manager Televic Education
A concrete action
“‘Sustainability’ and ‘digital-first’ are core values at the heart of Televic Education,” explains General Manager Joris Vanholme. “Moving from paper to digital exams is already helping us reduce paper consumption. With this reforestation initiative, we are now adding an additional, concrete action to further strengthen our positive impact on the environment.”
Indispensable for the planet and humanity
Every year, we lose some 12 million hectares of forest worldwide – that is 3.9 times the area of Belgium. Forests are crucial for our planet and our well-being: they absorb CO₂, produce oxygen, combat soil erosion and provide a home for countless animal species. Moreover, they support the livelihoods of 1.6 billion people.
More than planting trees
Go Forest is a Belgian company founded in 2020. Their mission is to plant the right trees in the right places. In this way, they create healthy, protected forests with native, climate-resistant tree species that last for generations.
Positive finale
With this gesture, Televic Education aims to end 2024 on a positive, responsible note. We believe that small actions like this can have a real impact on society.
More info at goforest.be

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