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exercise platform

Digital practice platform

Practice and testing are very effective ways to acquire and maintain knowledge and skills. Thanks to assessmentQ that is now easier than ever.

  • Users learn from their mistakes thanks to instant feedback.
  • Measurement is knowledge. assessmentQ helps make informed decisions.
  • Using exercise material interactively (clicking, dragging, answering, viewing feedback) provides a demonstrably better learning outcome.
  • Users can practice without restriction while preparing for a test or certification.

They rely on assessmentQ

How does it work?

assessmentQ authoring

1. Prepare questions

  • Create practice material quickly and easily.
  • Reuse any existing material that you adapt and make interactive.
  • Create “rich” practice modules with text, images, audio, video, etc.
  • Add feedback easily to reinforce and consolidate knowledge.
  • Construct series to meet your specific needs: from micro-learning to extended modules.
  • Alternate practice and test times. Variation always works.
  • Customise the look and feel of your practice modules to match your house style.
assessmentQ monitoring

2. Let users practice

  • Give students access with their personal account or directly from your learning or HR system (via ‘Single Sign On’, ADFS or LTI).
  • Allow users to practise on any device, at any time, without installation.
  • Store results and process them into valuable insights.
assessmentQ results

3. Process the results

  • Get real insight into participants’ knowledge and skills with flexible reports.
  • Export the results to your own platform to give you an overall picture.
  • Monitor the quality of your practice materials: incorrect or suspect items are easily recognised.
  • Automatically send certificates for accreditation or certification.

Let’s talk

Schedule a 15-minute call, and discuss your challenges with our experts.

What our customers says

VTI Deinze | Stind Vanderbauwhede
Infrabel Academy | Sander Geerts

Let’s talk

Let’s schedule a 15-minute call
and discuss your challenges with our experts.